Deepayan Bhowmik - ISSS Research Associate
In this informal talk Dr Deepayan Bhowmik, a research associate in ISSS will share his experience on his recent fellowship application. He recently received a Digital Catapult EPSRC fellowship through a 'Research in Residence' programme (link). His proposed project, entitled 'Self-Embedding Watermarking for Media Copyright Protection (SeWMediaCoP)', will provide solutions to address copyright infringement and media piracy problem. Dr Bhowmik, a senior researcher in residence, will help Catapult projects, provide thought leadership, and drive the creation of new activities, via a series of short secondments to the Catapult in London.
Where: EM 2.23 (NOTE: not 2.33)
When: Friday 27th – 11:30 - 13:00
Please register via Eventbrite
This is a regular series for ISSS PhDs/RAs to present information about what we do in an informal setting and to hear about something ‘a bit different’.
Hoping to see you all there.
The ISSS Postgraduate Society committee.