ISSS RA career development workshop

Free brunch and rock climbing

When and where: June 7th from 10am to 1pm

You are cordially invited to the ISSS RA career development workshop

  • Do you want to stay in an academic career, or not sure if it is for you?

  • Thinking of applying for a lectureship or fellowship?

  • Worried about your publication record, skills or generally demotivated about the whole process?

  • Or just want a free climbing session at the EICA climbing arena?

Then come and hear from the head of institute about what the school is looking for in a lectureship candidate and how to improve your chances of success in the academic career path.

But wait, there's more. Hear first-hand from those who have received fellowships/lectureships about what it's like now they've moved on from being an RA, how they found the whole process, and helpful advice.

Free food and rock climbing. And as if that wasn't enough, brunch will be provided (bacon roles, pastries, tea and coffee), and all attendees will be invited to a free session at the Edinburgh Indoor Climbing Arena (climbing date to be confirmed).

Register: please register though Event Brite: Eventbrite

Poster of the event

Hoping to see you all there.

The ISSS Postgraduate Society committee.